Congregational Websites
Welcome to the Congregational Website Program of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of South Australia (UCASA). The Uniting Church in SA offers congregations, faith communities, Presbyteries, and other Uniting Church organisations, the opportunity to have a fully functional website. We can provide you with an easy-to-use website that reflects the Uniting Church in South Australia as an innovative, growing church.
We offer 3 website options:
Congregational Design Services
If required, the Engagement Ministry Centre located in the Synod office can also provide additional design services to support your congregation or organisation.
Design services include: logos, flyers, booklets, brochures, business cards, banners, postcards and we can also create designs tailored to your specific needs.
For more information please email engagement@sa.uca.org.au or phone (08) 8236 4249.
If you lack the time and administrative support to operate your own website a One Page Website is the ideal basic web presence for your congregation or organisation.
$200 set-up fee, payable before handover
$200 pa maintenance and cyber security fee, billed annually.
We will add content and photographs to a one-page ucasa.org.au website for your own web presence.
If you require changes, contact us and we can update the website for you. We offer four (4) complimentary updates per year.
- One Page Websites can list playgroups, Sunday school, youth, young adult and parent groups, and can include a location map and list specific Easter and Christmas services.
- Five photographs can be added to each website.
- Up to four (4) changes to content per year – this is sufficient for more complex changes to your site; usually anything which is beyond the scope of the current training manual.
- A custom domain name (e.g. yourchurch.ucasa.org.au) is provided once the website has been set up.
- Email account – one email account will be provided at your domain using Google’s Gmail platform (e.g. contact@yourchurch.ucasa.org.au).
One Page Websites
Belair Uniting Church (ucasa.org.au)
ConneXions Uniting Church
Croydon Park Uniting Church
Dernancourt Uniting Church
Kangarilla Uniting Church
Kimba Uniting Church
Loxton Uniting Church
Mitcham Village Uniting Church
Moonta & Districts Uniting Churches
Para Hills Uniting Church
Para Vista Uniting Church
Summertown Uniting Church
The Grove Uniting Church
The Uniting Churches of the Tatiara
Tumby Bay Uniting Church
West Lakes United Church
Joining the Congregational Website Program is a great way to create a fully functioning website where you can promote the latest church news, events, podcasts and more.
$400 set-up fee,* payable before handover
$400 per annum maintenance and cyber security fee, billed annually
From normal pages of web content, blogs, podcasts, weekly newsletters, video, events and photo galleries – it is all available to your congregation or organisation within the Congregational Website Program.
You will be fully supported by the Engagement Ministry Centre in the Synod Office.
*This includes up to 40 hours of set-up work which is ample for most sites. If your site is more complex and requires additional set-up time, this will be charged at $70 per hour. (charged in 15-minute increments)
Great, mobile-ready design
The Uniting Church in South Australia websites are designed by the Engagement Ministry Centre in the Synod office.
They offer flexibility, for example if you have a logo and specific colours you want to use within your site – this can be easily set up for your congregation or organisation.
Our designs are also fully mobile responsive. You will be trained to undertake some changes to your site and fully supported for more complex updates.
Post your own content
You can update and post your own content to maintain your site as accurate as possible.
You can also upload and crop up to 50 photographs.
You can blog and add news, stories or articles and can display content in a blog format if required.
Newsletters can also be added into your website by uploading PDFs of your newsletter into your Congregational Google Drive (provided on set-up) and then list the newsletters on your site.
If you wish to host a podcast of weekly sermons, we support this by providing a platform Sermon.net so that podcasts can be accessed via your site.
If your congregation or organisation wishes to make videos available, we can embed Vimeo or YouTube videos into your website.
Access to statistics
Your church will have access to analytical data through an automatically generated monthly report.
Branded email accounts
Up to 5 email accounts at your domain using Google’s Gmail platform (e.g. minister@yourchurch.ucasa.org.au). Gmail is extremely flexible and can be accessed in multiple locations and platforms, allowing you to work with your email from any web browser, most desktop email software or smart phone.
We provide 30 GB for each of your accounts.
We can also provide up to 10 email forwards, redirecting emails delivered to one email address or to a different email address.
Hosting and Management Support
The Congregational Website Program includes hosting and management of the site and all security updates.
As staff change in your congregation or organisation, we can update your administrator rights as required and train additional staff and/or volunteers as needed.
Pre-set Layouts
Aldinga & McLaren Vale Uniting Churches
Barossa Uniting Church Joint Council
Brighton Uniting Church
Broadview Uniting Church
Campbelltown Uniting Church
Christ Church Wayville Uniting Church
Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church
Echunga Uniting Church
Effective Living Centre
Enfield Uniting Church
Gartrell (Dulwich Rose Park) Uniting Church
Generate Presbytery
Golgotha Uniting Church
Grange Uniting Church
Hallett Cove Uniting Church
Henley Fulham Uniting Church
Kadina Wallaroo Parish
Marion Warradale Uniting Church
Meningie Uniting Church
Mount Barker Uniting Church
Mount Gambier Uniting Church & The Southern Pastorate Congregations
Nairne Uniting Church
Newland Memorial Uniting Church
Noarlunga Uniting Church
One Tree Hill Uniting Church
Playford Uniting Church
Rosefield Uniting Church
Semaphore Uniting Church
Stillpoint Uniting Church
Sunset Rock Uniting Church
The Corner Uniting Church
Two Wells Uniting Church
Unity Hill Uniting Church
Waikerie Uniting Church
Walkerville Uniting Church
Westbourne Park Uniting Church
Western Link Uniting Church
Willunga Uniting Church
Woodside Uniting Church
The Customised Layout option has all of the features of a full website with the added bonus of a customised menu structure and home page.
$850 set-up fee*, payable before handover.
$450 per annum maintenance and cyber security fee, billed annually
*This includes up to 40 hours of set-up work which is ample for most sites. If your site is more complex and requires additional set-up time, this will be charged at $70 per hour (charged in 15-minute increments).
Getting Started
For questions regarding the Congregational Website Programs, please email engagement@sa.uca.org.au or phone (08) 8236 4249.
Congregational Website Program Style Guide
If you would like to get started please download and complete an Agreement and Preferences form.
Finished forms can then be emailed to engagement@sa.uca.org.au or posted to
Attn: Congregational Websites
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of South Australia
GPO Box 2145
Adelaide SA 5001
On receipt, we will contact you to progress your new website. We look forward to hearing from you!
‘We started utilising podcasts on our website through the Congregational Website Program and it’s been amazing to see how well these have been received. Our church members have found it easy to press play, hear familiar voices and enjoy listening to a full service from wherever they are. Many of our members have also shared these podcasts with friends or family members who do not regularly attend church which is joyous on all levels.’
Sonia, Grange Uniting Church
“We joined the website program in 2016 and it has been a very productive relationship. The website has great functionality and is simple to maintain. It provides a great resource for our members with ready access to newsletters, calendar, and past services. The recent provision of a Facebook feed is a great initiative also.
‘The website is the centre-piece to Echunga’s online presence and during the time of social isolation during COVID-19, we have received great feedback as people from far and wide have been able to keep in touch by catching up with recent online services.
The website template offered by the program is very contemporary and robust. It undergoes regular enhancements as new features become available. The training and prompt support offered by the congregational web team has been excellent.’
Greg, Echunga Uniting Church